My Road to Damascus

This is my personal account of my first encounter with Jesus. The most turning point expeirence that I can no longer forget for the rest of my Life.

I found myself in the middle of nowhere where there was total darkness. I lost sight and direction.

Then suddenly, I heard a voice and asked me, “Why are you troubled, my child? “Then I asked, “Who are you, my Lord?” Then He replied, I’ve been your friend for a long time. Since then, I have been following you. But you lost my grip and went in the opposite direction. My heart saddened but I know, you will find your way back to me.”

Then I realized that like Paul I am now on my way on the road to Damascus. And it is Jesus standing in front of me. I am trembled by His presence. He held my hand, helped me stand on my feet, and spoke. “Do not be troubled. From this day forward, you will never be alone in fighting your every battle.

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