Basic Guide on how to Pray

 " But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen. Then your father who seen what you have done in secret will reward you."  Mathew 6:6

Still, Jesus keeps on reminding us to be humble and avoid showing off to people like what hypocrites do.

Many people post their prayers on social media but in reality, they don't develop a discipline of a prayerful life. Jesus gave us a basic guide on how to pray. To go to our room, close the door, and pray in secret. A sincere conversation that only you and the father knew. For whatever you do in secret, the Lord will reward you.

But for those people who made their prayer in public to allow all the people to see, the Lord Jesus said, they have received their reward in full. (Matt. 6:5)

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