Casting a Stone of Love towards Your Enemies


If you cast a stone against your enemies, make sure you don't dwell in the glasshouse.

It was 7:00 PM, and our car was parked outside 7-11. I am all alone waiting inside the car while m
y husband is inside buying some stuff. Suddenly, I noticed a beggar looked suspicious because he stood near the garbage bin and looked around making sure that no one would notice him, and he began to open the bin and search for food.

I immediately grabbed my leftover food and gave it to him, and he accepted it with a genuine smile. I simply recall how humanity is doing these days. People having heated arguments about who is the true religion and casting stones of hatred against each other. Well, what is a true religion by the way?

The true religion according to the biblical scripture, James 1:27 is that “Pure and undefiled religion before the God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their tribulation; to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

So, the next time when we open our social media and find them in our newsfeed, We already know that listening to them is only a waste of time.

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